AMdEX data exchange

Dexes is co-founder of the Amsterdam Data Exchange, the AMdEX. Together with the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Amsterdam Economic Board (AMEC), SURF and the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX), we develop a neutral infrastructure to support data sharing.

A connection to AMdEX offers trusted access to data sources. Data provider can offer their resources on AMdEX, data consumers can connect to AMdEX to verify conditions and credentials. AMdEX is the trusted middleman and ensures that preset policies are enforced. The data provider and the dataconsumer connect directly to exchange data. No data will ever be on AMdEX. 

Dexes will offer services for trust delegation, data spaces and data catalogues connected to the AMdEX infrastructure.

AMdEX started in 2019 with various use cases in the metropole region of Amsterdam (32 municipalities, 2 provinces and 2 airports) as a fieldlab implementation.

In 2023 AMdEX continues as the basic infrastructure for various ecosystems in different domains like mobility and smart cities. 

Read more about AMdEX here: